Specialization: Well Formed Goals
Goals, direction, personal mission, empowerment, momentum, motivation, creativity and excellence

I specialize in helping people from all walks of life create empowering, well-formed goals, set personal mission and direction, and motivate action through the use of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP).

Effective goals have structure. To operate powerfully, our goals must:

Even the best well-formed goal is still like a point on a map. To achieve it, we must put down the map and embark upon the territory. That is, we must take action. Three factors must be present for us to do this:

NLP is remarkably effective for clarifying issues, resolving conflicts and removing internal obstacles. It is an excellent tool for preparing a clear path to the kind of decisions we really want to make. Well formed goals are made even more compelling with a motivational "propulsion system" that simultaneously pulls us forward toward our goals and pushes us away from not-achieving it. It's like having the thrust of a NASA rocket whenever we're ready to Lift-Off. Using guided NLP, you can Super-Charge your goals with internal energy and the motivation to follow through to action.

By leveraging our well-formed goals with our resources -- our best behaviors, core competencies, key values, guiding principles, empowering beliefs and the power source of our most effective drivers for success -- we build an irresistible force to achieve our dreams and objectives -- even with goals we may have previously considered beyond our reach.

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Copyright © 2025 John David Hoag. All rights reserved.
john@nlpls.com , 1-650-223-1777
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