Specialization: Self-Confidence
"Positive attitude is all about self-confidence. And self-confidence is the whole ball game." -- Donald Trump
Ask yourself these questions. How strong is your self-confidence?
- Do you have an attitude that supports a positive and realistic view of yourself?
- Do you trust your own abilities?
- Do you expect that most people will like and/or respect you?
- Are you able to say 'no' when you need to?
- Do you expect to be successful at things you undertake?
- Do you have a sense of reasonable control over important areas in your life?
- Do you believe that, within reason, you are capable of accomplishing what you want?
- Do you accept yourself even when you fail at something?
- Do you treat those above you and those below you with equal respect?
- Do you depend on yourself, rather than others, for your core sense of approval?
- Are you content with excelling in some areas while not excelling in others?
- Are you OK with being humanly imperfect while maintaining high standards for yourself?
- Can you accept a compliment gracefully and feel good about it?
- Are you willing to take considered risks in order to achieve your goals?
- Can you give yourself credit for your accomplishments?
- Can you feel good about yourself even if someone rejects you or disapproves of you?
If you can answer 'Yes' to all or most of these questions, your self-confidence is strong. If not, you may want to consider what you can do to improve your level of self-confidence.
Common advice runs along these lines:
- Give yourself credit for everything you try.
- Take risks.
- Remind yourself that you can't do everything perfectly.
- Learn to evaluate yourself independently.
That may be good advice . But if you could already do these things, you would probably already have most of the self-confidence you desire.
The fact is, good advice isn't enough. If you lack self-confidence, only a process that involves direct experience will transform that lack into solid self-confidence which operates as a positive, consistent and present force in everything you undertake. You will want to experience it, in some way, every day of your life.
Many people believe that they can't have the self-confidence they want because they didn't have the right childhood, or the right parents, or the right resources, or the right education, or the right environment, or the right opportunities growing up. Such beliefs are widespread because they have been promulgated, for many decades, by an outdated model of psychology which has become something of a popular myth -- that who we are today is the direct, unchangeable effect of what has happened to us in the past.
NLP puts that myth to rest.
The truth is, no matter what your past, no matter what your upbringing, no matter how terrible a childhood you could possibly have had or shameful episodes you may have experienced, you CAN create a rich, full, successful life in the present and future -- full of self-confidence, positive attitude, and the pleasurable ease that comes with complete self-assurance.
I specialize in helping individuals find and keep self-confidence. Using the tools of NLP, I can help you release the obstacles which hold you back from self-confidence. You will rediscover your core self that is entirely beyond obstacles and self-doubt -- the source of self-confidence within you -- the center that each of us has, waiting to be discovered.
It doesn't take years. And if you are lacking the kind of self-confidence you'd like to have, it's an investment that will pay off every day for the rest of your life.
When you're ready to activate your full potential, find my phone number on this web site and call me today.
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